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St Patrick’s was founded by St Mary MacKillop and the Sisters of St Joseph in 1933. Mary MacKillop, known to Australians as Mother Mary of the Cross, lived a life of faith-filled service to others.  She was courageous, tenacious and resilient in the face of adversity.

Mary and her Josephite Sisters worked diligently on behalf of the isolated, poor and disadvantaged, using education to empower people and working to establish a community that responded to people in need.

Her spirit and Josephite charisma find expression in St Patrick’s through:

  • Inclusive policies and procedures
  • Commitment and support for Catholic Missions and Caritas.
  • Donation of food at Christmas time to St Vincent’s de Paul for the needy.
  • Participating in Meals on Wheels
  • Various fundraisers for local groups and organisations.

 "Never see a need without doing something about it.”   Mary MacKillop, 1811

 Religious Education Lessons

All students take part in formal Religious Education lessons on a weekly basis and prayer is incorporated into the daily routine of each classroom.  Overarching the formal lessons are the values of the Catholic faith which are woven into all daily teaching & learning practices.

Throughout the year there are school masses with different classes rostered on to lead the liturgies.  In addition to these masses are the celebrations of other significant days in the year: Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, St Patrick’s Day and Year 6 graduation.

Mrs Anna Chandler
