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School Officers

Education Officers from Toowoomba Catholic Schools Office and

Health Professionals

  We Support Teachers with:

  • liaising with the class teacher to provide support for students not at expected level
  • working with students well below expected level
  • providing for students with disabilities within the classroom
  • identifying students who meet criteria for NCCD
  • support for teachers in band scaling ESL students
  • diagnostic assessments for students who are not at expected level
  • adjusting and in some cases modifying programs
  • Liaising with parents regarding medical diagnosis for their child

Teachers cater to all students in their class and this is reflected in their planning. 

Planning for personalised learning is underpinned by some fundamental principles including:

The Class Teacher

  • is the primary and most significant point of reference to influence student learning
  • owns and manages the planning process
  • connects all learning to the Australian Curriculum

The Planning Document

  • There will be one central class-based planning process that captures the learning needs and interventions for all students.


  • The Class Teacher directs and manages all intervention and these interventions are linked to the whole class planning document. These interventions are also linked to the Australian Curriculum.

The planning for personalised learning process meets all accountability and legislative guidelines and is aimed at increasing student access to the curriculum and, wherever possible, maintaining student learning within the mainstream setting.

  • Personalised planning will be recorded within the whole class teacher planning document
  • Parent consultation and collaboration remain an important part of this planning for personalised learning process.

These supports are more (but not exclusively) class-based and managed by the Class Teacher. The Class Teacher is then supported by the Learning Support Teacher and School Officers.

As always, the financial resourcing is class-based, to support students with additional needs. It will continue to support teachers in providing an accessible teaching and learning environment for all students.

Students with disabilities and additional learning needs have identified goals, adjustments, and modifications to the Class Teacher’s planning documents. This allows Class Teachers to address all student needs when planning, teaching, and assessing students.

All Toowoomba Catholic Schools have access to a School Inclusion Coach who will provide support to Class Teachers and Learning Support Teachers. School-based Principals, Class Teachers, and Learning Support Teachers ensure all students are provided with quality differentiated teaching.

Mrs Anna Chandler (LST)